The Second Annual Supporters Chili Cookoff will take place at the Class VI/C-Firm Supporters Tailgate prior to this Saturday's match!
Taking place in the VIP East parking lot at the stadium before the Rapids' final regular season home game, the supporters' tailgate is open to fans of all ages to attend.
The Rapids Supporters welcome all fans to come show their skill at the art of chili prepration! Red or green chili are all welcome for judging. There are even rumors of a white chili with clams in honor of the visit from New England. If you're not up for making chili, come eat chili and cast your vote for a winner.
The tailgate begins at 5:00pm Saturday and voting for the cookoff begins at 5:20 pm. As usual, there will be hot dogs, beer, soda and whatever you (and others) contribute to the community tables to ensure 100% satisfaction at our final regular season tailgate of the year.
The tailgates, organized by the Centennial Firm and Class VI supporters groups, are free to attend, and open to all fans to come visit and mingle with the supporters for great food, soccer talk, music and good times! Rapids players, the club's technical staff and other special guests also appear frequently at the tailgates.
After the tailgate and this year's 'Lord of the Crock' has been named, come cheer the Rapids into the MLS playoffs when they fight the Revs with a 7:00pm kickoff.
For full details and more info on Class VI and the C-Firm, visit NoFanAlone.com.

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