This week's training, meeting and match schedule for the Colorado Rapids youth teams, courtesy of the Rapids Academy:
November 16 – November 22, 2009
Monday: Rapids U10 Center of Excellence, 6:00pm, Field 10
Tuesday: Training, Rapids U11-U14 CYS Teams, 5:00pm, Fields 8 and 10
Training, Rapids U15-U18 Teams, 6:30pm, Fields 8 and 10
Wednesday: Training, Rapids U12-U14 CYS Teams, 5:00pm, Fields 8 and 10
Training, Rapids U15-U18 Teams, 6:30pm, Fields 8 and 10
Thursday: Training, Rapids U11-U14 CYS Teams, 5:00pm, Fields 8 and 10
Training, Rapids U15-U18 Teams, 6:30pm, Fields 8 and 10
Friday: Teams Off
Saturday: Training, Rapids U15-U18 Teams, 1:00pm, Fields 8 and 10
Sunday: Training, Rapids U13 CYS Team, 10:00am, Field 8
Training, Rapids U15-U18 Teams, 1:00pm, Fields 8 and 10
*All practices and matches take place at Dick's Sporting Goods Park unless otherwise noted.
*Rapids U11 rescheduled match: we will provide information on the rescheduled game when it becomes available.
Nomads Tournament – Rapids U13, U14 & U15 teams
Schedules have been posted on the Tournament Website
Sport Source Showcase – Rapids U17 team
Schedule has been posted on the Tournament Website
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