Over the last few months, the Rapids have held several "Influencer Parties" in various locations in our community designed to reach out and touch people who are not yet affiliated with our organization and tell them about the benefits of joining our club and becoming season ticket holders, all on a very informal and personal basis.
We'd like to stop and take a second to thank all the Rapids supporters who have generously hosted these events, whether in their home, workplace, or at a local watering hole, and who have personally invited out all of their friends, neighbors, clients or colleagues to hear Gary Smith, Jeff Plush, and numerous Rapids players talk to them one-on-one on their own turf.
Thanks especially to the following Rapids fans and business partners who were influential in organizing and hosting Rapids Influencer events over the last few weeks:
-The British Consul of Colorado, Kevin Lynch
-Hugo Boss Cherry Creek
-Season ticket holder Kevin Callahan
-Denver Chop House
-Season Ticket Holders Tina & Dave Nuechterlein
-The Mexican Consul of Colorado, Eduardo Arnal
-Season Ticket Holder Josh Vaisman
We anticipate much new business out of these Influencer events, and thanks to these supporters, we've made inroads in several different areas and industries and been able to bring new season ticket holders on board.
Haven't attended a Rapids Influencer Party? Want to make a difference in our community? Got 50 or more friends, clients or aquaintances you can assemble in an intimate location where the Rapids provide the food, drink and celebrities? Find out how you could host a future Rapids Influencer Party by calling the Rapids at (303) 727-3414.
Thanks again to everyone who participated in past events....the Rapids appreciate your hands-on help in building our fan base and our sport in Colorado!
Now this sounds like a good idea. Well done. Next should be the huge scarf flag flying on top of Republic Plaza, or the Pepsi Center.
Love this idea. Any insight as to who the shirt sponsor will be? When it will be decided?
Thanks for updating the usefull information. Ireally like this post.Regards Influencer Training
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